Titre | Auteur | Étagère |
300% Linux (Mandriva 2006, Suse, Ubuntu) | P E Muller | 2 |
Android Security Internals: An In-Depth Guide to Android's Security Architecture | Nikolay Elenkov | 3 |
Applied Security Visualization | Marty | 3 |
Arch Linux Handbook 2.0 | Dusty Phillips | 2 |
Architecture Reference Manual | Seal | 4 |
BASES DE DONNEES NoSQL | Rudi Bruchez | 2 |
BSD Hacks | Lavigne | 2 |
Building Clustered Linux Systems | Robert W. Lucke | 4 |
Building Embedded Linux Systems | Yaghmour, Masters, Ben-Yossef, Gerum | 3 |
Building Wireless Sensor Networks: with ZigBee, XBee, Arduino, and Processing | Robert Faludi | 3 |
Code Craft | Pete Goodliffe | 1 |
Code reading | Spinellis | 1 |
Comment programmer C++ | Deitel et Deitel | 1 |
Damn small Linux | Schingledecker, Andrews, Negus | 2 |
débuter sous Linux avec Mandriva | Blondel, Cartron, Risi | 2 |
Dictionary of Computer Terms | Webster’s New World | 2 |
Effective MySQL : replication Techniques in depth | Bradford, Schneider | 2 |
Effective MySQL :Optimizing MySQL statements | Bradford | 2 |
eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming | Marijn HaverbekeE | 1 |
Embedded C. programming and the Atmel AVR | Barnett, Cox, O.Cull | 3 |
Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical Real-World Approach | Christopher Hallinan | 4 |
Forth Application Techniques: Course Notebook | Elizabeth D. Rather | 3 |
Forth Programmer's Handbook | Edward K. Conklin, Elizabeth D. Rather | 3 |
Free software, free Society | Richard Stallman | 2 |
Getting started with Arduino | Massimo Banzi | 1 |
Google : arriver 1er par les mots clés | P. Maupas | 4 |
Hackers | Steven Levy | 2 |
Hacking RSS and Atom | Orchard | 2 |
High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, and Replication | Schwartz, Zaitsev, Tkachenko | 3 |
How Wikipedia Works | Ayers, Matthews, Yates | 4 |
HTML4 avec XHTML et CSS | Le programmeur | 1 |
HTML5, up and running | Pilgrim | 1 |
Internet 2025 | Jean Lanoix | 2 |
Java script for the www | Negrino Smith | 1 |
Knoppix Hacks | Rankin | 2 |
L’imposture informatique | Francois de Closet, Bruno Lussato | 2 |
La bataille du logiciel libre | Perline Thierry Noisette | 2 |
La cause commune | Pierre Aigrain | 2 |
LDAP System Administration | Carter | 3 |
Learnig PHP, MySQL and Javascript | Nixon | 1 |
Learnig PHP, MySQL and Javascript | Nixon | 1 |
Learning the Bash Shell | C Newham, Rosenblatt | 1 |
Linux - Solutions de Haute Disponibilité | bastien Rohaut | 4 |
Linux : maitrisez l'administration du systeme | bastien Rohaut | 4 |
Linux Appliance Design | Pierce, Phillips, Hardin, Smith | 4 |
Linux Desktop Hacks | Nicholas Petreley Jono Bacon | 2 |
Linux Device Drivers | Corbet, Rubini, Kroah-Hartman, | 3 |
Linux embarque reference | Blanc Gilles | 1 |
Linux in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference | Siever, Figgins, Spainhour, Hekman | 3 |
Linux in the board room | Mark Smith | 2 |
Linux Kernel in a Nutshell | Kroah Hartman | 3 |
Linux Programming by Example: The Fundamentals | Arnold Robbins | 4 |
Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library | Robert Love | 1 |
Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library | Love | 3 |
Linux Troubleshooting for System Administrators and Power Users | Kirkland, Carmichael, Tinker G et C | 4 |
LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell | Pritchard, Pessanha, Langfeldt, Stanger, Dean | 3 |
Lua 5.1 Reference Manual | Lerusalimschy, De Figueiredo, Celes | 1 |
Managing Projects with make | Oram et Talbot | 1 |
Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security | Yanek Korff, Paco Hope, Bruce Potter | 2 |
Memory as a programming Concept in C and C++ | Franek | 3 |
MySQL | Paul DuBois | 3 |
MySQL High Availability: Tools for Building Robust Data Centers | Charles Bell, Mats Kindahl, Lars Thalmann | 3 |
MySQL stored procedure | Harrison and Feuerstein | 3 |
MySQL Troubleshooting | Smirnova | 3 |
Operating System Design: The Xinu Approach, Linksys Version | “Douglas Comern_ckgdoku_QUOTckgdoku_QUOTckgdoku> | 4 |
OppenOffice.org 3 pour les nuls | Henri Lilen | 4 |
Optimizing Linux(R) Performance: A Hands-On Guide to Linux(R) Performance Tools | Phillip G. Ezolt | 4 |
Parallel scientific computing C++ and MPI | Karniadakis Kirby | 1 |
Performance Tuning for Linux Servers | Johnson, Huizenga, Pulavarty | 4 |
PHP 5 et MySQL5 | 1 | |
Practical AVR Microcontrollers (in the Arduino) | Alan Trevennor | 4 |
Practical UNIX and Internet Security | Garfinkel, Spafford, Schwartz | 2 |
Preventing Web Attacks with Apache | Ryan C. Barnett | 3 |
Pro Git | Chacon | 1 |
Pro Ubuntu Server Administration | Sander Vugt | 2 |
Programming gems | Lua | 1 |
Programming in Lua | Roberto Lerusalimschy | 1 |
Programming Interactivity | Joshua Noble | 3 |
Ray tracing from the ground up | Suffern | 2 |
Realm of Racket | Felleisen et al | 1 |
Running IPv6 | Van Beijnum | 3 |
Scalable Internet Architectures | Theo Schlossnagle | 3 |
Secure Coding:Principles and Practices | Graff & Van Wyk | 2 |
See MIPS Run | Sweetman | 4 |
Simple comme Ubuntu | Didier Roche | 2 |
SQL Hacks | Cumming, Russel | 2 |
SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide | Barrett, Silverman, Byrnes | 1 |
TCP/IP Guide (covers IPv4 et IPv6) | Kozierok | 3 |
The Apache Modules Book: Application Development with Apache | Nick Kew | 3 |
The Art of Capacity Planning: Scaling Web Resources | John Allspaw | 1 |
The Art of Linux Kernel Design | Lixiang Yang | 4 |
The Art of SQL | Stephane Faroult Peter Robson | 2 |
The Art of UNIX Programming | Eric S. Raymond | 4 |
The CERT C Secure Coding Standard | Robert C. Seacord | 2 |
The Definitive Guide to ImageMagick | Michael Still | 4 |
The Definitive Guide to SQLite | Mike Owens | 2 |
The Linux Enterprise Cluster | Karl Kopper | 4 |
The Linux Kernel Primer: A Top-down Approach for X86 And Powerpc Architectures | Salzberg, Fischer, Smolski | 4 |
The Linux Programmer's Toolbox | John Fusco | 4 |
The Productive Programmer | Neal Ford | 1 |
The Ruby Programming Language | Flanagan et Matsumoto | 1 |
q | Tracy Kidder | 2 |
The Tao of Network Security Monitoring: Beyond Intrusion Detection | Richard Bejtlich | 3 |
The Way to Go: A Thorough Introduction to the Go Programming Language | Ivo Balbaert | 1 |
Things a little bird told me | Biz Stone | 2 |
Thinking in Java | Bruce Eckel | 1 |
Time Management for System Administrators | Thomas A Limoncellip | 1 |
Touch of class | Bertrand Meyer | 1 |
Ubuntu Hacks: Tips & Tools for Exploring, Using, and Tuning Linux | Jonathan Oxer Kyle Rankin Bill Childers | 2 |
Understanding MySQL Internals | Sasha Pachev | 3 |
Understanding the Linux Kernel | Daniel P. Bovet, Marco Cesati | 4 |
Unix Filesystems : evolution, design and implementation | S. Pate | 4 |
Using OpenMP: Portable Shared Memory Parallel Programming | Chapman, Jost, Ruud van van der Pas | 3 |
Valgrind 3.3 | Seward, Nethercote, Weidendorfer et al | 1 |
Version control by example | Eric Sink | 1 |
Version control by example | Eric Sink | 1 |
Vi iMproved (VIM) | Steve Oualline | 1 |
Virtual Honeypots | Niels Provos, Thorsten Holz | 3 |
Web Operations | Allspaw and Robbins | 3 |
Wikinomics | Tapscott, Williams | 2 |
xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code | Gerard Meszaros | 1 |